VirtualBox - bu korxona va uyda foydalanish uchun kuchli x86 va AMD64/Intel64 virtualizatsiya mahsulotidir. VirtualBox nafaqat korporativ mijozlar uchun juda boy, yuqori unumli mahsulot, balki GNU General Public License (GPL) 2-versiyasi shartlariga ko‘ra ochiq kodli dasturiy ta’minot sifatida erkin foydalanish mumkin bo‘lgan yagona professional yechimdir.…
TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki and a non-linear notebook for organising and sharing complex information. It is an open-source single page application wiki in the form of a single HTML file that includes CSS, JavaScript, and the content. It is designed to be easy to customize and re-shape depending on application. It facilitates re-use of content by dividing it into small pieces called Tiddlers. …