Stupidly simple notes app
Ob-havo ma'lumoti
A forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API
Shrift yuklab olish dasturi
This simple to use and adaptive GTK application allows you to search and install fonts directly from Google Fonts’ website!
MIT - bu musiqa asboblaringizni xato bilan sozlash uchun grafik yordam dasturi
va ovoz balandligi tarixi va mikrotonal sozlash, statistika,
va to'lqin shakli shakli, harmonik nisbatlar va real vaqtda Diskret kabi turli ko'rinishlar
Furye transformatsiyasi (DFT). Barcha ko'rinishlar va qo'shimcha funktsiyalar ixtiyoriy, shuning uchun
interfeysi ham juda oddiy bo'lishi mumkin.
A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
Write — qoʻl yozuvi uchun soʻz protsessoridir.
AntiMicroX is a graphical program used to map gamepad keys to keyboard, mouse, scripts and macros.
VVave manages your music collection by retrieving semantic information from the web, create playlists, tag music tracks, support for remote streaming using Nextcloud, and allows you to watch YouTube content.
Manjaro Linux-ga asoslangan savdosiz operatsion tizim. Bizning fikrimizcha, uni ishlatish MacOS’dan osonroq, Windows’dan yaxshiroq, Android’ga qaraganda sozlanishi va iOS’dan xavfsizroq. Internet foydalanuvchilari, media muharrirlari/iste'molchilari, dasturchilar, yozuvchilar, dizaynerlar, rassomlar uchun. Hamma!
Internet DJ Console is a project started in March 2005 to provide a powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast servers.
Sayonara futbolchisi
Sayonara is a small, clear and fast audio player for Linux written in C++, supported by the Qt framework. It uses GStreamer as audio backend.