Ferdi is a messaging browser that allows you to combine your favorite messaging services into one application.
Agar sizning qattiq diskingizda yuzlab yoki hatto minglab tasvirlar mavjud bo'lsa, har bir tasvir ortidagi voqeani yoki suratga olingan shaxslarning ismlarini eslab qolish imkonsiz bo'ladi. KPhotoAlbum rasmlaringizni tasvirlab berish va keyin katta hajmdagi rasmlarni tez va samarali qidirishga yordam berish uchun yaratilgan.
Cross platform note taking application
Biz doimiy ravishda standart TROMjaro-ni takomillashtiramiz tajriba (yangi foydalanuvchilar uchun) va standart sozlamalar va ilovalar har doim a ustuvorlik. Shuning uchun biz eng yaxshi, eng oddiy va eng ko'p narsani qidiramiz TROMjaro-ni jo'natish uchun funktsional standart ilovalar. Endi biz o'zgarganmiz a bir nechta:
Lightweight Qt5 Notes-Manager for Linux
IRC client which enables you to chat with people around world through large chatrooms or via private messaging.
Share, freely and privately. Decentralized messenger with VOIP.
Fractal is a Matrix messaging app for GNOME written in Rust. Its interface is optimized for collaboration in large groups, such as free software projects.
Claws Mail
Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader), based on GTK+, featuring
Quick response
Graceful, and sophisticated interface
Easy configuration, intuitive operation
Abundant features
Robustness and stability
Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate on the content itself.
A powerful note-taking app that helps you organise + take notes without restrictions.