tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
Session - bu nozik metama'lumotlar to'plamini o'chirib tashlaydigan uchdan-end shifrlangan messenjer bo'lib, maxfiylik va kuzatuvning har qanday shakllaridan erkinlikni xohlaydigan odamlar uchun mo'ljallangan. … O'qishni davom ettiringSessiya messenjeri
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
You can instantaneously show and hide your terminal with a single key stroke, execute a command, and then go back to your previous task without breaking your workflow.
… O'qishni davom ettiringGuake terminali
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
KRDC is a client application that allows you to view or even control the desktop session on another machine that is running a compatible server. VNC and RDP is supported. …O'qishni davom ettiringKRDC