Dragon o'yinchisi
Sayonara futbolchisi
Dragon Player is a multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features. Dragon Player does one thing, and only one thing, which is playing multimedia files. Its simple interface is designed not to get in your way and instead empower you to simply play multimedia files.
Sayonara futbolchisi
- Simple Interface
- Resuming videos: Starts playing a video where you were watching it last time
- Support for subtitles: Automatically loads subtitles with the matching name
- Video display settings (brightness, contrast)
- Due to using Solid and Phonon DragonPlayer is independent of any multimedia framework or hardware abstraction layer
- Supports playing CDs and DVDs
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
to'g'ri Webtorrent ilovasini o'rnatish uchun. Xavotir olmang, bu jarayonda u eski Webtorrent-ni o'chirib tashlaydi + sozlamalaringiz joyida qoladi. Buni amalga oshirishdan oldin, agar sizda ochiq bo'lsa, Webtorrent-dan chiqing - Fayl - Chiqish. Ana xolos!
to'g'ri Webtorrent ilovasini o'rnatish uchun. Xavotir olmang, bu jarayonda u eski Webtorrent-ni o'chirib tashlaydi + sozlamalaringiz joyida qoladi. Buni amalga oshirishdan oldin, agar sizda ochiq bo'lsa, Webtorrent-dan chiqing - Fayl - Chiqish. Ana xolos!
Gnome MPlayer
Klassik media pleer