Sayonara futbolchisi
This application is a basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint, but aiming at the GNOME desktop.
PNG, JPEG and BMP files are supported.
Besides GNOME, some more traditional design layouts are available too, as well as an elementaryOS layout. It should also be compatible with Purism’s Librem 5 phone.
Classic tools
- Pencil (options: dashes, blur, eraser, …)
- Line (options: arrow, dashes, blur, gradient, …)
- Arc (options: arrow, dashes, …)
- Insert text (options: font, shadow, font size, …)
- Shape (rectangle/circle/oval/polygon/free shape, options: filling, …)
- Color picker
- Paint (options: remove a color, …)
Selection tools
These tools allow you to define an area (rectangle or free), which you can move, cut, copy, paste, edit with canvas tools, export, open as a new image, etc.
- Rectangle selection
- Free shape selection
- Adjacent color selection
Canvas/selection edition tools
These tools allow to edit the whole image, or to edit a selected part of it.
- Crop (remark: the previewed picture isn’t at the actual scale)
- Scale (options: keep proportions or not)
- Rotate (rotate or flip)
- Filters (blur, increase or decrease saturation, invert colors, pixelate)
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
Mening bo'yoqim
WebApps yordamida istalgan veb-saytni ilovaga aylantirishingiz mumkin. Har qanday veb-saytga o'ting, URL manzilini nusxa ko'chiring, unga nom bering va voila. Veb-ilova endi boshqa ilovalar kabi tizimingizning bir qismidir. Agar sizda turli xil brauzerlar o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, ish uchun ulardan birini tanlashingiz mumkin. Belgilar to'plamidan shaxsiy belgini yoki kompyuteringizdagi istalgan tasvirni tanlang. Buning uchun veb-ilovalarimizni tavsiya qilamiz. Ular savdosiz va juda foydali.