yuklovchi tasviri



Sayonara futbolchisi

This project aims at providing a simple interface for capturing and viewing video from v4l2 devices, with a special emphasis for the linux uvc driver.

The project provides a control interface based on Gtk3 or Qt5, depending on the build configuration. A console only option is also available.

You can also use guvcview has a control window only, (from console: guvcview –control_only), this allows image control on other apps, like ekiga, cheese, mplayer, skype, …


Guvcview audio support can be selected from two APIs: portaudio or pulseaudio (if availbale)

All interfaces (ALSA, OSD, JACK, …) supported by portaudio should be available in guvcview. Just make sure portaudio was compiled with the desired interfaces enabled.

tomonidan haqida o'ylash "GUVRaqamli sozlamalar paneli sizga translyatsiya yoki yozib olishning har bir jihatini sozlash uchun keng konfiguratsiya opsiyalariga kirish imkonini beradi.

  1. A very useful tool for your webcam. Using this for webcam and also for the telescope cam, and works great + provides a ton of options for you to manipulate the image quality/sources.


tomonidan tomonidan tomonidan

TROM va uning barcha loyihalarini abadiy qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun bizga 200 kishi oyiga 5 evrodan xayriya qilishlari kerak.