Sayonara futbolchisi
As a computer engineer, I’ve been writing my school notes using just a text editor, and having to manage all my files and keep everything organized. Well, not anymore! Notes Up is a notes manager written for elementary OS. With it, you’ll be able to write beautiful notes fast and easy using the markdown format.
It’s Features Include:
- Multiple notebook support
- Easy-to-use markdown editor
- Exporting to PDF
- Built-In markdown cheat-sheet
- Special plugins such as syntax highlight, inserting images, and setting font color!
- Spell check
- And more to come!
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
Biz doimiy ravishda standart TROMjaro-ni takomillashtiramiz
tajriba (yangi foydalanuvchilar uchun) va standart sozlamalar va ilovalar har doim a
ustuvorlik. Shuning uchun biz eng yaxshi, eng oddiy va eng ko'p narsani qidiramiz
TROMjaro-ni jo'natish uchun funktsional standart ilovalar. Endi biz o'zgarganmiz a
bir nechta: