A paint app for C Suite.
R Eslatma
A simple drawing application to create handwritten notes.
Simple & versatile image editor.
AzPainter illyustratsiyalar chizish uchun 16 bitli rangli bo'yoq dasturidir. Bu nuqta tahrirlash uchun mos emas.
KolourPaint is a simple painting program to quickly create raster images. It is useful as a touch-up tool and simple image editing tasks.
Drawpile is a Free software collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously.
This application is a basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint, but aiming at the GNOME desktop.
Mening bo'yoqim
MyPaint - bu raqamli rassomlar uchun chaqqon, chalg'itmaydigan va oson vosita.
Krita is a FREE and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry.
WebApps yordamida istalgan veb-saytni ilovaga aylantirishingiz mumkin. Har qanday veb-saytga o'ting, URL manzilini nusxa ko'chiring, unga nom bering va voila. Veb-ilova endi boshqa ilovalar kabi tizimingizning bir qismidir. Agar sizda turli xil brauzerlar o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, ish uchun ulardan birini tanlashingiz mumkin. Belgilar to'plamidan shaxsiy belgini yoki kompyuteringizdagi istalgan tasvirni tanlang. Buning uchun trom.tf veb-ilovalarimizni tavsiya qilamiz. Ular savdosiz va juda foydali.
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X.