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Rosegarden is a music composition and editing environment based around a MIDI sequencer that features a rich understanding of music notation and includes basic support for digital audio. Rosegarden is an easy-to-learn, attractive application that runs on Linux, ideal for composers, musicians, music students, and small studio or home recording environments.

Đặc trưng:

1. Editing – Intuitive ways to record and edit notes.

2. MIDI – Managing your MIDI ports, banks, programs and controllers without having to remember any numbers.

3. Notation – Entering, editing and printing score.

4. Audio – Recording, mixing, and using samples and effects.

5. Synths – Playing your MIDI tracks through hosted synths, for more accurate control.

6. Languages – The international state of Rosegarden.

7. Integration – How Rosegarden works together with other software.

Bài tiếp theo

Bài tiếp theo Bài tiếp theo *

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