hình ảnh trình tải

Bướm Linwood

Bướm Linwood


Butterfly is a note app where your ideas come first. You can paint, add texts and export them easily on every device. This app works on android, windows, linux and in the web.

Đặc trưng:

  • Simple and intuitive: Every tool is on the right place. Open the app and start drawing. Change your tools by clicking on it.
  • Customizable: Change everything to your needs. Choose your custom color, create a palette and add your pages to the paper. The paper has an infinite size, perfect for your ideas and notes.
  • Your data will be saved locally: Everything will be saved local on your computer. Export the notes as image or as json files which can be opened on a different device.

Bài tiếp theo

Bài tiếp theo Bài tiếp theo *

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