I-FreeTube isebenzisa i-Invidious API ukuze ibambe kwaye isebenze iividiyo. Ikhuphela isiza sikaYouTube esithintela isidingo sayo nayiphi na iAPI esemthethweni kaYouTube. Ngelixa iYouTube isenokuzibona izicelo zakho zevidiyo, ayinakuphinda ikulandelele usebenzisa iikuki okanye iJavaScript. Imirhumo yakho, imbali, kunye neevidiyo ezigciniweyo zigcinwe ekuhlaleni kwikhompyuter yakho kwaye azizange zithunyelwe. Ukusebenzisa i-VPN okanye iTor iyacetyiswa ukuba ufihle i-IP yakho ngelixa usebenzisa i-FreeTube.

The great thing about this application is that you can search youtube videos directly from it in order to download, you can select the video quality for download, and even convert into multiple audio and video formats. It is also fantastic that it works with other websites like vimeo, dailymotion, and even ABC Four Corners documentary streaming.