Professional open-source 2D Animation Software for Linux.
Simple Screen Recorder
SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that I’ve created to record programs and games.
Retroshare establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail…
Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing.
PDF Arranger
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
We designed OpenShot Video Editor to be an easy to use, quick to learn, and surprisingly powerful video editor. Take a quick look at some of our most popular features and capabilities.
The open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers.
A simple and modern eBook viewer
דעעפּין סקרין רעקאָרדער
א זייער פּשוט פאַרשטעלן מאַגנעטאָפאָן.
vokoscreen איז אַן גרינג צו נוצן סקרעענקאַסט קריייטערז צו רעקאָרדירן בילדונגקרייז ווידיאס, לעבן רעקאָרדינג פון בלעטערער, ינסטאַלירונג, ווידעא קאַנפראַנסאַז, עטק.