דער ציל פון דעם פּרויעקט איז צו געבן אַלעמען צו קענען צו טיילן טעקעס ביכידעס אין פאַקטיש צייט, אָן די נוצן פון די הויפּט טעק קאָמפּאַניעס און וואָלקן פּראַוויידערז. … פאָרזעצן לייענעןריפטשאַרע
SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network. …פאָרזעצן לייענעןSonobus
A cross-platform network file transfer application designed to make transferring any file to any device as painless as possible. …פאָרזעצן לייענעןNitroShare
Fragments is an easy to use BitTorrent client for the GNOME desktop environment. It is usable for receiving files using the BitTorrent protocol, which enables you to transmit huge files, like videos or installation images for Linux distributions. …פאָרזעצן לייענעןFragments
Deluge is a fully-featured cross-platform BitTorrent client. It is Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3+ and adheres to freedesktop standards enabling it to work across many desktop environments. …פאָרזעצן לייענעןDeluge