Le grabador pantalla asab séeba'an utia'al Linux.
Recorta, voltea, rota yéetel recorta clips individuales.
Codificador cine
Cine Encoder is an application that allow to convert media files while preserving HDR metadata.
Ti yaan laj ch'ooj
Grabador u pantalla simple escrito ti' Rust ku Green Recorder.
It is a FLOSS, powerful, multitasking and cross-platform graphical user interface (GUI) for FFmpeg and yt-dlp.
Software composición código pi'ik'a' utia'al u
VFX and Motion Graphics.
dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system.
Detwinner is the simplest and the fastest tool for removing duplicate files from your Linux PC.
Juntúul reproductor multimedia GNOME construido usando GJS yéetel le kit nu'ukul GTK4. Le reproductor multimedia meyajtiko'ob GStreamer bey backend multimedia yéetel renderiza tuláakal yéetel OpenGL.
Hypnotix is an IPTV streaming application with support for live TV, movies and series.