wíimbala' le cargador

Etiqueta: AUR

Maaya Cursor

Maya Serie for Righties X11 mouse theme with available cursors size: 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. Available couple colours: Black (black pure, gray 6), Blue (accent blue, accent blue base), Green (accent green base, accent green shadow), Orange (orange base, orange shadow), Red (accent red base, accent deep red) and White ( white pure, grey 1). I am offering the full serie for right and left handed, with property multi sized and also as pack for those who don’t like or have trouble for choose the cursor size with mouse themes multi sized.

Le punteros bino'ob u hechos yéetel Inkscape. Le cursores ku Ko'oten ma'alob seen ti' fondos oscuros bey claros. Agradeceré je'el comentario yo'osal u ma'alo'obkíinsiko'ob le chun tuukulo' le cursor.

Ma' jach completamente plano, tuméen le máak yaan ti' degradados; Xma' desenfoques mix sombras. U yutsil ti' Gnome yéetel Unity, ka ts'o'ok in añadido yaan K'aanan simbólicos ti' Steam, yéetel tuláakal u k'a'abéet utia'al KDE yéetel Kwin, Cinnamon, Pantheon, Xcfe.
Táanil xookikMaaya Cursor

© p'iskambal autor 2025 TROM-Jaro. Tuláakal le p'iskambal reservados. | Simple máak tuméenKaambalo'ob captura

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