Session Messenger Tuméen firmatunk'ule' ku ti' septiembre 19, 2020septiembre 4, 2022 Session jach jump'éel bisaj t'aano' cifrado u extremo u extremo u elimina le recopilación metadatos confidenciales yéetel meenta'an yo'osal máako'ob ku desean yojeta'al mixba'al yéetel je'ela' je'el bix vigilancia. ... Táanil xookikSession Messenger
RetroShare Tuméen firmatunk'ule' ku ti' October 29, 2019septiembre 4, 2022 Retroshare establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail… … Táanil xookikRetroShare