Endeavour u ti'al jump'éel ka'anatako'ob intuitiva ka potente gestionar a tareas xookilo'.
Ka'anatako'ob utia'al aquellos u prefieren le simplicidad.
Notas castor
Bienvenido u Beaver Notes, jump'éel ka'anatako'ob utia'al u ch'a' notas centrada ti' le yojeta'al mixba'al.
Tablero focal
Focalboard jach jump'éel alternativa código abierto yéetel autoalojada Trello, Notion yéetel Asana.
U plan yo'osal u ma'alo'obkíinsiko'ob u kuxtal máaxo'ob yéetel le flujo meyaj.
KTimeTracker is a todo management and time tracking application.
Sleek jach jump'éel ka'anatako'ob u tareas pendientes bey je'el todo.txt, gratuita yéetel u código abierto.
Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.
Súper productividad
Put a task into your project for today or schedule it to another day to keep your head free.
(GTG) is a personal tasks and TODO-list items organizer for the GNOME desktop environment