
類別: 應用程序


目前aMule (官方)支持多種平台和操作系統,兼容60多種不同嘅硬件+操作系統配置。

aMule係完全免費嘅,它的源代碼與eMule一樣喺GPL的發佈,並且唔包含專有P2P應用程序中常見嘅廣告軟件或間諜軟件。 … 繼續閱讀


Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate on the content itself. … 繼續閱讀蒂波拉


Trimage is a cross-platform GUI and command-line interface to optimize image files for websites, using optipng, pngcrush, advpng and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype (currently, PNG and JPG files are supported). It was inspired by imageoptim. All image files are losslessy compressed on the highest available compression levels, and EXIF and other metadata is removed. Trimage gives you various input functions to fit your own workflow: A regular file dialog, dragging and dropping and various command line options. … 繼續閱讀崔美

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