我們建議您密切關注我們的更新,因為有時您可能需要手動進行一些更改,以使TROMjaro;)。 您可以 訂閱 透過RSS或電子郵件獲取有關我哋發佈嘅通知。
又是一周,又是一次更新。 我們更改的內容:
- We removed the TROMjaro GDM theme. This is basically the “log in” screen theme that Dave helped to build, but since Dave cannot help with TROMjaro anymore and the theme was not updated in months, resulting in some visual artifacts, we recommend that you remove it. Simply go to Add/Remove Software and search for “tromjaro-gdm-theme” and remove it. Do not worry, the log in screen will look almost the same as before.
- The login screen may display a big TROMjaro logo. The updates we pushed should remove that logo. If, after a restart and the latest updates, you still see that logo there and you hate it, open the terminal and paste this line “sudo rm /usr/share/icons/manjaro/maia/tromjaro-logo.png” – enter, then add your password and enter again. Should be gone now.
- 我哋恢復咗原來嘅Zafiro圖標包。 請轉到Zafiro圖標頁面 呢度, and install it. It will automatically remove the “bad” Zafiro icon theme and install the good one. If you can’t see the changes go to your Tweaks, select a different icon pack, then select Zafiro again. Done.
- We installed the “PAMAC-GNOME-integration” package. This allows for users to right click any app in the side bar or the app menu, and then “show details” to open that app in the Software Center. It is an easy way to see more info about an app or uninstall an app.
This is a very small update to fix an issue with WebTorrent that didn’t allow for users to change anything in ‘preferences’. And because of that torrent files were downloaded in the ‘temp’ folder creating a lot of mess. That folder is ‘temporary’ so whatever one downloaded there it would have been deleted soon. Also, other apps would not have been able to work properly since the ‘tmp’ folder would have been full. Nevertheless we opted in for a different webtorrent version. So, the only thing one has to do is to go to Webtorrent page 呢度 to install the proper Webtorrent app. Don’t worry, in the process it will remove the old Webtorrent + your settings will still be in place. Before you do this, please quit Webtorrent if you have it open – File – Quit. That’s all!
- 我哋替換咗 SM播放器 和 執行 同 假釋 作為默認嘅視頻/音頻播放器。 我哋希望保持TROMjaro非常用戶友好,SMplayer同Exaile對於普通用戶來說有點太複雜啦,提供咗過大多數人可能需要嘅更多嘅選擇。 Parole係一個非常簡單嘅播放器,非常易用于視頻和音頻文件。 當然,任何人都可以由我哋嘅免費交易應用程序庫中安裝SMplayer同Exaile。
- We replaced the old and not-working-anymore ‘Sci-hub’ Firefox extension with the ‘Go to Sci-Hub’ 外延。
- 我哋由Firefox蒐索引擎列表中刪除咗Google,並添加咗更多免交易嘅蒐索引擎: 元格搜索, 莫吉克, Peekier, 和 赛尔克斯.
- 我哋添加了 字體查找器 應用程序,以便我哋令人們更容易喺TROMjaro中安裝字體。 我哋仲添加埋 克洛尔.
- 我哋添加了 侏儒 - 外殼 - 擴展 - 團結 和 侏儒 - 外殼 - 擴展 - 衝刺到碼頭 作為包而唔係擴展,以獲得更好嘅兼容性。 如果您有安裝TROMjaro,你只需再次安裝它們即可。
- 我哋添加了 格诺特 因為我哋缺少筆記應用程序。
- 我哋添加了 卡赞 和 錄音機 因為我哋認為呢啲工具對於任何操作系統都係必不可少嘅(讓用戶能夠錄製音頻/視頻)。
- 我哋都缺少一個允許人們交流嘅應用程序,所以我哋添加咗偉大嘅 qTox 提供文本/視頻/音頻分散聊天的信使。
- 最後,我哋添加了一個名為 大理石. 它既是地圖工具,都係教育工具。
- 我哋喺添加/刪除軟件中啟用咗flatpak撐。 將在軟件中心打開更多應用程序。 从呢度安裝它 Pamac-flatpak-plugin 如果你已經擁有特罗姆扎罗。 我哋強烈建議你安裝它,因為好快我哋將允許用戶直接由我哋嘅應用程序庫安裝flatpak應用程序,因此你需要此軟件包。 我哋仲喺新嘅TROMjaro版本中默認啟用了它。 要手動啟用它,請轉到添加/刪除軟件,請單擊餐牌圖標,然後單擊首選項。 添加您的密碼,然後導航到“平頂”選項卡。 這樣啟用它。
- We installed some drivers for printers’ support. HPLIP-最小 更準確地說。
This release is mostly (almost all of it) about ‘updates’. We are trying to release a new TROMjaro ISO every month so that new users get to test and install an updated version of TROMjaro. Past users get these updates automatically. However, on top of these updates we may push little changes that we will always list with the release. For this release we did the following:
- Enabled the pinch-to-zoom in Firefox for touchscreen devices. If you already have a touchscreen device we recommend you do that too since it greatly improves the zoom ability for websites. Go to about:config (write that in the URL bar) and search for ‘setting apz.allow_zooming’. Click it to enable it.
- We added a new Gnome Extension: “佐林屏幕鍵盤按鈕” to easily access the virtual keyboard when you are using a tablet-computer.
此更新主要涉及為那些想要從頭開始安裝它的人保持TROM-Jaro更新。 出於安全性和兼容性原因,我哋會不時更新iso,以便更新TROM-Jaro。 但是,最緊要係,我哋添加/改進了以下內容:
- 添加了 內覈-活著 package to make sure that when people update the kernel, the update won’t break the current session. Normally it is recommended to restart the computer after a kernel update, but with this package it is not necessary to do that unless you want to use the new kernel updates. Previous TROM-Jaro users can click the above URL and install the package.
. - 切換到新嘅內核5.4 LTS。 係一個長期支持內核( LTS )。 係每隔幾年就會發生的罕見事件。 我哋建議舊嘅TROM-Jaro用戶更新到新內核。 這很容易。 安裝 manjaro-settings-manager (another new package that we added to this new ISO). Open it. Go to ‘Kernel’. Then, where it says kernel 5.4 (xx) LTS, click install.
Once the installation is complete simply reboot the computer. That’s all.
. - 我哋添加了一個 聲音切換器 Gnome擴展,因此更容易直接從右上角欄更改聲音輸出(揚聲器/耳機)和聲音輸入(麥克風)。 以前嘅TROM-Jaro用戶可以單擊上面嘅URL,然後啟用它。
- 我哋替換咗 捲軸 侏儒擴展 斯克罗沃尔 因為 斯克罗沃尔 得到更好嘅維護/更新。 它們做同樣嘅事情,允許用戶透過喺頂部欄頂部轆嚟更改音量。 Scrolvol僅在您在頂部欄的右上角(指標)部分滾動時才有效。 將來我們可能會嘗試使其與整個頂部欄一起使用。 以前嘅TROM-Jaro用戶可以簡單地禁用捲軸擴展並啟用Scrolvol。
. - We made WebTorrent open the video files that it cannot play, with SMplayer by default, instead of VLC. This is a bug in WebTorrent that doesn’t let you change the default player from its preferences so we had to do it manually. Previous TROM-Jaro users can do that by navigating to Home/.config/WebTorrent (if you can’t find the folder press Ctrl + H to see the hidden folders) and simply edit the file called ‘config.json’ with the default text editor. At the line ‘externalPlayerPath’: ” add /usr/bin/smplayer so it looks like ‘externalPlayerPath’: ‘/usr/bin/smplayer’. Save and that’s it.
. - 我哋喺Firefox中添加了一些軟件包同自定義配置,以使TROM-Jaro仲好咁與掂屏設備配合使用。 Firefox嘅自動旋轉或觸摸手勢係我哋添加嘅一些改進。 如果你已經喺使用TROM-Jaro並擁有觸摸屏設備,請使用我哋嘅 聊天撐 因此,我們可以幫助您進行這些更改。
係一個主要版本,因為我哋組織咗喺後端創建TROMjaro背後嘅所有內容番。 對於前端用戶來說,除咗佢哋應該遷移到我哋嘅新存儲庫之外,冇太大變化。
我哋所有嘅TROMjaro項目而家都在進行中 吉特實驗室 感謝戴夫瘋狂地工作,使TROMjaro組織得當,功能正常。 最緊要係,我們由AUR添加了一些包裝,並製作咗一啲我哋自己嘅包裝,主要係用我哋自己嘅TROMjaro口味嚟品牌Manjaro。 GDM,GRUB,安裝程序,它們都有TROM的氣味!
- 咳咗Manjaro品牌並將其替換為TROM品牌。
- 将我哋嘅存儲庫移動到TROM Cloud,我哋而家使用鏡像列表而唔係簡單嘅URL。 這樣,我哋可以由TROM Cloud正確打理我哋嘅存儲庫並添加多個存儲庫位置,因此如果一個存儲庫出現故障,另一個將起作用。
- We made an ‘app’ for our TROM Cloud that now resides in our repo – this is mainly for our TROM Teams.
- We now store the Gnome settings in ‘schema’ files on GitLab in order to fix a major bug: previously if the user selected the language, timezone, keyboard layout and so forth on installation, all of these settings would have been rewritten after the installation was done. No more! We also used to drag a lot of Gnome Settings garbage with how we used to store the Gnome Settings in the past. No more!
- 我哋修復咗Gnome調整嘅一個錯誤,該錯誤喺用戶註銷時禁用了所有Gnome擴展。
- 我哋為TROMjaro安裝程序添加了一個自定義滑塊,描述咗TROMjaro嘅全部內容以及一些關於無貿易嘅諗法。
- 我哋而家對TROMjaro使用默認嘅Gnome應用程序分類,以便每個應用程序喺安裝後都會轉到其正確嘅文件夾。
- Because we realized that the last iso was too minimal and not-so-computer-savvy-users found it difficult to use it without installing a bunch of apps, we made sure that this time, most of the user’s needs are covered. We installed applications that allow users to open the most common files (audio, video, photo, documents, torrents). You can find the list on our new TROMjaro homepage https://www.tromjaro.com/.
- We tweaked Firefox a bit, removed some extensions and added a few others. Most notably, we implemented the DAT decentralized network into Firefox by default, which allows people to open .dat websites ‘natively’.
First of all, you have to understand that we want a TROMjaro that doesn’t change from one release to another. We want to create the foundation of a house and let the user put the furniture in and all of that. Make it comfy for themselves. But we needed to do this foundation properly and we think that now we got it. So that’s how TROMjaro will look like from now on, as this last iso is.
- 更新存儲庫數據庫。 轉到您的添加/刪除軟件,然後單擊菜單按鈕。 然後單擊“刷新數據庫”:
. - It will ask you for your password then it will update the repositories. After it is done search for ‘tromjaro-mirrorlist’ in the Add/Remove Software. Find it and install it. That should be it! Close the Add/Remove Software then open it again- Refresh the databases one more time. Now you have access to the new TROMjaro repository.
你還能做什麼? 要使用我哋嘅自定義品牌、我哋所做嘅一些修復程序以及DAT網絡,請安裝以下內容(在“添加/刪除軟件”中搜索它們):
- 特罗姆扎罗-GDM主題
- 特罗姆扎罗侏儒殼修復
- 蛴螬主題特罗姆扎罗
- dat-fox-helper-git
- 我哋更改咗存儲庫所在嘅位置,因此請更新。
- 我哋添加了一些TROMjaro品牌,因此您都可以將其添加到您的系統中。
- 我哋添加了一些默認應用程序,你可以喺主頁上搵到 tromjaro.com 呢啲應用程序,如果需要,您都可以從中安裝它們。
- We removed/added some Firefox extensions – all of the default extensions are listed on the same tromjaro.com homepage (click any extension to install it if you desire).
That’s all! We are available on 特罗姆扎罗撐傾偈 如果您需要我哋。
在此版本中,我哋對發行版進行了一些清理,並啟用咗直接由 tromjaro.com 安裝應用程序嘅撐。 我哋認為,由於而家由網站上安裝我哋舉薦嘅免貿易應用程序非常易,默認情況下安裝好多應用程序對我哋來講幾乎冇用處。 我哋希望保持ISO儘可能細,並讓人們決定佢哋想要喺佢哋嘅系統上安裝哪些應用程序。 我們只保留了對系統至關重要的基本和功能最強大的應用程序,例如備份、設置和調整等。
- 我哋刪除/添加了一些火狐插件。 由而家開始,我哋將只添加最基本嘅Firefox插件,以保護用戶免受佢哋被迫從事嘅在線交易嘅影響。 因此,我們正在阻止廣告和跟蹤器+解鎖隱藏在付費牆後面的科學文章。 我哋將開始把舉薦嘅Firefox插件添加到我哋嘅 tromjaro.com/apps 中,因此我哋將其視為對待主發行版,並記緊相同嘅目標:畀用戶選擇如何自定義佢哋嘅Firefox。
- 我們從系統中刪除了一堆應用程序,如LibreOffice,Webtorrent等,只保留了最基本的應用程序。
- 我哋刪除咗啲Gnome擴展,因為我哋都將開始喺我哋嘅 tromjaro.com/apps 頁面上策劃/舉薦它們。 讓用戶選擇!
- 我哋添加了對由 tromjaro.com/apps 或任何想要實現它的網站安裝應用程序嘅撐。 呢度 係允許此類功能嘅包。
- 我們刪除了一些包裝以使發行版更輕,包括一些Manjaro品牌。
- 總的來說,我哋將ISO嘅大小由2.2GB減到1.6GB。
- 我哋又添加咗3個背景。
對於下一個版本,我哋嘅目標係以更好嘅方式存儲Gnome設置,以便安裝配置(語言、鍵盤布局、位置同鐘頭)唔會好似而家咁被覆蓋。 我哋仲會將我哋自己嘅品牌添加到發行版中。 我哋想喺呢個版本中做兩件事,但我哋冇人力嚟做:的。
注意: For previous TROM-Jaro users there is nothing special you have to do except updating the TROMrepo (since we removed some packages) – open the terminal and copy paste ‘sudo pacman -Syu’ – enter, then add your password. Second, add this line in the terminal ‘sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler –overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler’ (enter) – so that you better enable the support for the web-installer. That’s all.