
02021 年 1 月 6 日

RELEASE 03.12.2020

        • We migrated to kernel 510. This is the latest long term release (LTS) kernel. The kernel is the core of the operating system, providing the drivers and all of these ‘goodies’. The newer the kernel, the better the compatibility with the hardware. So we highly recommend everyone to upgrade to the latest kernel. This is one in a year or more event, mind you. To upgrade, open the Manjaro Settings帶音頻流選擇

          Go to “kernel” and install the 5.10 version by simply clicking the “安裝” button. After the installation is done reboot your computer in order to use it. In the very first seconds of your computer rebooting, press SHIFT on your keyboard multiple times until you see a menu. Select the Advanced options, and then select the kernel 5.10.

          That’s all. From now on your computer will use the newer kernel. Congrats!
      • We greatly improved the TROMjaro installer (Calamares) in terms of the design. Now it looks very much like the entire TROMjaro OS, and makes it easier for people to follow the simple steps to install it.
      • We updated our 西爾X search engine, the default TROMjaro search engine. Now it is faster, more accurate, and more secure. If you are noticing that whenever you type something into the Firefox url bar, the search doesn’t go through the search engine and it simply opens up SearX, then go to Firefox – Preferences – Search. Scroll down and remove the TROMland SearX. Now visit the SearX engine again (https://tromland.org/searx/) and from the top url bar, the 3 dots, add it back to Firefox. Lastly, go back to Preferences and make it as default. That’s it.
        • We replaced the packages cups and hplip with manjaro-printer, because this package should contain all that is needed for printers to properly work.

附註:安裝後首次啟動時,Unite 擴充功能不會加載,Firefox 的設定也是如此。重新啟動電腦或按 Alt + F2 刷新桌面,輸入“r”,然後按 Enter。或關閉 Firefox 並再次開啟。我們不知道是什麼原因導致此錯誤,但只需重新啟動電腦、桌面或 Firefox 即可輕鬆修復。之後它就會起作用。


A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!


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