更多:儘管我試圖涵蓋該程序的所有主要功能,但我錯過了很多較小的功能。提及一些:允許您檢測幾何體中的孔的線框模式,用於有效創建對稱對象的鏡像繪圖,無限制的撤消/重做,將 2D 圖像導入為體素或坐標軸等視覺輔助工具。
Kate is a multi-document, multi-view text editor by KDE. It features stuff like codefolding, syntaxhighlighting, dynamic word wrap, an embedded console, an extensive plugin interface and some preliminary scripting support.
- MDI, window splitting, window tabbing
- 拼字檢查
- CR, CRLF, LF newline support
- Encoding support (utf-8, utf-16, ascii etc.)
- Encoding conversion
- Regular expression based find & replace
- Powerful syntax highlighting and bracket matching
- Code and text folding
- Infinite undo/redo support
- Block selection mode
- Auto indentation
- Auto completion support
- Shell integration
- Wide protocol support (http, ftp, ssh, webdav etc.) using kioslaves
- Plugin architecture for the application and editor component
- Customizable shortcuts
- Integrated command line
- Scriptable using JavaScript