



The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn’t suck.

I couldn’t find a note-taking app that ticked all the boxes I’m interested in: notes are written and rendered in GitHub-flavored Markdown, no WYSIWYG, no proprietary formats, I can run a search & replace across all notes, notes support attachments, the app isn’t bloated, the app has a pretty interface, tags are indefinitely nestable and can import Evernote notes (because that’s what I was using before).

So I built my own.


  • No proprietary formats: Notable is just a pretty front-end for a folder structured as shown above. Notes are plain Markdown files, their metadata is stored as Markdown front matter. Attachments are also plain files, if you attach a picture.jpg to a note everything about it will be preserved, and it will remain accessible like any other file.
  • Proper editor: Notable doesn’t use any WYSIWYG editor, you just write some Markdown and it gets rendered as GitHub-flavored Markdown. The built-in editor is Monaco Editor, the same one VS Code uses, this means you get things like multi-cursor by default. If you need more advanced editing features with a single shortcut you can open the current note in your default Markdown editor.
  • Indefinitely nestable tags: Pretty much all the other note-taking apps differentiate between notebooks, tags and templates. IMHO this unnecessarily complicates things. In Notable you can have root tags (foo), indefinitely nestable tags (foo/bar, foo/…/qux) and it still supports notebooks and templates, they are just special tags with a different icon (Notebooks/foo, Templates/foo/bar).


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