更多:尽管我试图涵盖该程序的所有主要功能,但我错过了很多较小的功能。提及一些:允许您检测几何图形中的孔的线框模式,用于有效创建对称对象的镜像绘图,无限撤消/重做,将 2D 图像导入为体素或坐标轴等视觉辅助工具。

Making 3D Model Has Never Been So Easy. Auto UV unwrapping, auto rigging with PBR Material support, pose and motion authoring all in one. 3D Modeling in a blink, try it now! Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source modeling software. It helps you create a 3D watertight model in seconds. Use it to speed up your character modeling in game making, 3D printing, and so on.
- Yes, it’s free. And it’s cross-Platform, no matter you are on Windows, Linux, or MacOS, the same experience you’ll get.
- With Dust3D, you’ll see yourself finish a game asset in a blink! Dust3D also supports export your model as FBX and glTF format, so that you can then import the files into softwares like Unreal Engine, Unity, and Godot for further development.
- Believe it or not, you don’t need any experiences to make a 3D model with Dust3D, all you’ll need are good reference photos.