

We are moving the releases to our new forum. It is better for everyone to do it like that. From now on please use the forum to stay up to date with the releases. The new releases links is this one https://forum.tromjaro.com/c/releases/5

You will not receive email notifications when we release a new ISO from now on, so be aware of that. But you can easily follow the releases if you sign up for the forum or via our “您的密码是打开许多在线大门的钥匙。密钥越多,管理它们就越困难。另外,不要创建自己的“钥匙”!为了更安全,密码应该非常复杂,而 KeePassXP 会为您完成所有这些工作。它允许您创建强密码、存储无限登录凭据,并且我们已将其与浏览器集成,以便您可以即时更改/使用您的凭据。 KeePassXP 将您的所有密码存储在您计算机上的单个加密文件中,只有您拥有解锁密钥。这意味着您只需记住一个键即可访问所有其他键。 KeePassXP 还支持双重身份验证和更多其他功能。” page.

See you there!

作者: 电音

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!


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