A GNOME media player built using GJS with GTK4 toolkit. The media player uses GStreamer as a media backend and renders everything via OpenGL.
Mixxx DJ 软件
Dragon Player is a multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features. Dragon Player does one thing, and only one thing, which is playing multimedia files. Its simple interface is designed not to get in your way and instead empower you to simply play multimedia files.
Glide is a simple and minimalistic media player relying on GStreamer for the multimedia support and GTK+ for the user interface.
兼容多种标准,例如 SoundFont2、VST(i)、LADSPA、GUS 补丁和完整的 MIDI 支持
Media Player Classic Home Cinema (mpc-hc) 被许多人认为是 Windows 桌面的典型媒体播放器。 Media Player Classic Qute Theatre (mpc-qt) 旨在重现 mpc-hc 的大部分界面和功能,同时使用 libmpv 而不是 DirectShow 播放视频。
Kaffeine is a media player. What makes it different from the others is its excellent support of digital TV (DVB). Kaffeine has user-friendly interface, so that even first time users can start immediately playing their movies: from DVD (including DVD menus, titles, chapters, etc.), VCD, or a file.
Haruna 是一个在 libmpv 之上使用 Qt/QML 构建的开源视频播放器。
Also known as Totem, Videos is a movie player designed for GNOME.
侏儒 MPlayer
A GTK/Gnome interface around mplayer
Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop.
Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv.