

tromjaro vs windows (the defaults)

This comparison between TROMjaro (Linux) and Windows tries to be as objective as possible and we will look at the most important (realistic) scenarios when it comes to how users use an Operating System out of the box. My name is 钛奥 and I created TROMjaro more than a year ago. In order to not be biased I divided the comparison in 4 distinct tests that can be replicated by anyone.

Most people use their computers to deal with files (video or photo galleries), listen to music, and such. On top of that the vast majority use computers to browse the Internet and communicate with each other. Therefore, simple tasks. Although both operating systems can deliver for such “needs”, we want to see what a default installation of the two provides for the users. Can users simply use these systems without tweaking or installing anything on top of that? Are these systems functional from the get-go? And if so, how?

I created 2 virtual machines for both of them. I gave them 4GB of RAM each. I recorded the screen while doing all of these tests to give you a first-hand experience.

Small side-note: I have a bit of Tourette’s and at times I’m doing a beatbox noise without realizing it :). Sounds like a little burp at times, but is me practising my beatbox skills. I can’t control myself that much so you’ll probably hear that multiple times during the installation. Sorry! Also, at times the videos may seem boring since I simply recorded them with OBS Studio and didn’t edit them afterwards. I am too busy to beautify such videos and I also wanted to give you a more honest and realistic experience of my testing. I got very tired testing all of these for hours, so maybe I will get you tired too! 🙂 But it is the raw overview of these two Operating Systems.

01.the installation process

How easy is it to install any of these Operating Systems? How fast is it? Let’s see:

I was surprised at how aggressive Microsoft is in forcing users to have an account with them in order to use Windows. They also ask for several passwords/pins and overall the installation process is very chaotic in my view, and takes a very long time because you have to fill in all that they request from you. I started to lose my patience a bit with the installation process. TROMjaro’s installation process is almost twice as fast and many times more easy, requiring only a few steps at the beginning of the installation. TROMjaro can also be fully tested before installation, which is a massive advantage since you get to use TROMjaro without installing it. In terms of disk space, TROMjaro is almost half the size of Windows before and after the installation.

02. dealing with files

First thing that users may do on their Operating System is to deal with their files. Maybe they have documents, photos, videos, music, and so forth and they simply want to interact with them. Open, do simple editing, galleries and such. I chose a few of the most popular files to see how these two Operating Systems can deal with them. What apps do they use to open them? And can they open all of the files?

The default Windows installation failed to open most of the document files and one of the files that it opened, it did not render it properly. Windows also failed to play a FLV video file and an OGG audio file. On top of that Windows uses their browser to open files like SVG or PDF, and the photos are opened with 3-4 different applications. Some video files, like WEBM, seem not to render properly on Windows (the aspect ratio seemed wrong). TROMjaro opened all of the files with just a few default apps, except one specific Windows document file that it tried to open with the wrong application and it rendered it in a bad way. But, LibreOffice managed to open that file perfectly fine. Overall, out of the box, TROMjaro rates excellent at dealing with most common file-types.

03. browsing the internet

Most people browse the Internet where probably most of their computer activity is happening. They watch videos online, read, communicate, search, and more. But how is the experience out of the box on Windows or TROMjaro?

Windows does not care that users are being tracked online by all kinds of trackers and are bombarded with ads. Windows does that too, so perhaps that’s why they do not care. This is the reality. Speaking of that, many Operating Systems do not care about this aspect either, including most Linux distributions. But we care. If users do not want to see ads or be tracked online (trades), they should be able to stop these. And we stop them by default. Users should opt-in for such trades, not opt-out. Users should also be able to control the content: download videos, audio files, websites, and so forth. Windows does not provide any such features, TROMjaro does. Therefore, TROMjaro cares how users browse the Internet and as default users are protected from engaging into trades that they don’t even know they exist, and on top of that TROMjaro’s users are able to control the online content that they browse.

04. installing and uninstalling applications

Another basic thing that people do on their computers is to install and uninstall applications. But how easy is it to do that on Windows or TROMjaro?

Windows tries to centralize their app-installation process through their Microsoft Store, but this Store is full of sketchy applications. At times lesser clones of original software, at times free and open source software being sold there. The Microsoft Store is a store basically, where people can mainly buy stuff (movies, books, apps, etc.). I personally find this “Store” confusing and strange. I doubt most Windows users are using this Store. So then they are left with the old method of installing applications which is basically to search online for an application, go on a website, download it. Then installing it following 4-8 steps or more. It seems like an archaic method of installing apps. To uninstall applications seems a lot easier via Windows’ centralized “apps”, but the installation is very cumbersome. In TROMjaro the install/uninstall is done via the same Software Center and it is only 2-3 clicks away. On top of that, TROMjaro users can install apps via our website with a one-click install. In all, installing/uninstalling applications is many times easier on TROMjaro than on Windows. And a lot more secure.

the rest of the defaults

On top of everything we tested so far, what does Windows or TROMjaro pack by default?

Both Windows and TROMjaro do very well in terms of what they come pre-installed with. Windows packs a very nice Note taking application, support for 3D files and Virtual Reality devices, and also a paint application for touch screen devices. TROMjaro tries to be as minimal as possible, not providing any tools for 3D files or Virtual Reality devices, not even a Mail client since “email” is rarely a trade-free way of communicating with each other. But TROMjaro does come pre-installed with a bunch of tools like Windows, to allow users to record their voice, camera, screen, do screenshots and more. Both operating systems provide easy tools to back-up the system and control its settings. What TROMjaro provides and we think is important, but Windows does not, is a trade-free way of communicating and sharing files between users (text, video, audio, or sharing files). TROMjaro also provides support for BitTorrent files, which Windows does not. They both have pluses and minuses, but overall they do similarly in terms of usefulness.

Overall both operating systems do a good job in terms of “defaults”, but I think TROMjaro does much better in many regards such as the installation process, dealing with files, browsing the Internet, or installing/uninstalling apps. TROMjaro allows users to be “free” and have control over their Operating System. Communicate with each other and share files with each other, without anyone telling them how much to share, what, how much to communicate and with whom. It is entirely decentralized and we think that is a must. Where Windows seems to do a bit better is when it comes to having all of its Settings in one single place, rather than 2-3 places for TROMjaro (Settings and Tweaks, plus Disks).

You have to remember that Windows costs around 130 Euros, while TROMjaro is trade-free.

作者: 特罗姆

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

2 关于“的想法我们正在将对话转移到论坛

  1. Does it support 32bit CPU’s or just 64 bit CPUs like Ubuntu and the rest?
    My laptop and desktop both failed to update to Linux as they have these CPUs and there is no downloadable version left in the archives.


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