isithombe sokulayisha


RELEASE 06.06.2020

This release simply pushes the latest Manjaro updates plus a few Firefox tweaks to make Firefox more trade-free. Firefox by itself is not a trade-free application since Firefox is getting paid by other companies to choose a specific default search engine – considering that most people do not change the default browser search engine and that search is an integral part of any browser, then Firefox wants a trade from users (their attention and data). Firefox is also pushing their own paid services and/or collects data for various purposes. We tweaked all of these to remove the trades, and now we did a few more.

      • We removed the Firefox Pocket service. This is a freemium service from Mozilla and they were pushing it in every tab. For current TROMjaro users simply open a new Firefox tab and write “about:config“. Then click “Accept the Risk and Continue“. Now search for “extensions.pocket.enabled” and click the toggle to disable it. As such:


  • We also remove the Firefox account since they were pushing their Firefox Send and such, that also offer premium accounts. Same as above, for current users, search for “identity.fxaccounts.enabled” and disable it.
  • Firefox is notifying users about what’s new in new versions of Firefox, but at times they include their own trade-based services in the notifications and/or features that we disabled like new Pocket features. For that matter we disabled it. Search for “browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled” and disable if you are a current TROMjaro user.
  • Lastly, we added the wireless drivers for MacBooks (or most MacBook models). The package is “broadcom-wl-dkms“.
Side Note: the previous bug with Firefox not enabling our tweaks when you first open it, seems to be gone.

Umbhali: i-trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le-imeyili ngeke lishicilelwe. Izinkambu ezidingekayo zimakiwe *

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