isithombe sokulayisha



Feeds is a minimal RSS/Atom feed reader built with speed and simplicity in mind.

It offers a simple user interface that only shows the latest news from your subscriptions.

Articles are shown in a web view by default, with javascript disabled for a faster and less intrusive user experience. There’s also a reader mode included, built from the one GNOME Web/Epiphany uses.

Feeds can be imported and exported via OPML.

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le-imeyili ngeke lishicilelwe. Izinkambu ezidingekayo zimakiwe *

Imininingwane © 2025 I-TROM-Jaro. Wonke Amalungelo Agodliwe. | Isimo Esilula ngoCatch Indikimba yendaba

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