isithombe sokulayisha




If you have hundreds or even thousands of images on your hard drive, it becomes impossible to remember the story behind every single image or the names of the persons photographed. KPhotoAlbum was created to help you describe your images and then search the big pile of pictures quickly and efficiently.

With KPhotoAlbum it is possible to find any image in less than 5 seconds based on a powerful tag system, let that be an image with a special person, an image from a special place, or even both.

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le-imeyili ngeke lishicilelwe. Izinkambu ezidingekayo zimakiwe *

Imininingwane © 2025 I-TROM-Jaro. Wonke Amalungelo Agodliwe. | Isimo Esilula ngoCatch Indikimba yendaba

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